Improving information-sharing across the U.S. Department of Agriculture and with producers
The 2014 Farm Bill mandated that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) make it faster and easier for farmers and ranchers to report data about their crops, acreage, and revenue as part of the federal crop insurance program. At the time, USDA lacked a common framework to gather such information from producers electronically. Rather, a complex, time-consuming process required producers to report the same information to two different USDA agencies, the Farm Service Agency (FSA) and the Risk Management Agency (RMA).
USDA sponsored the Acreage Crop Reporting and Streamlining Initiative (ACRSI), a joint effort among producers, FSA, RMA, and the crop insurance industry. ACRSI features a NIEM-based solution that will allow farmers and producers to report the same crop information to FSA, RMA, and their crop insurance agents automatically, saving time and reducing the potential for data reporting errors.
Additional Information
Agriculture was added as a domain in July 2017 as part of the NIEM 4.0 release. This release and subsequent releases reflect the model content necessary to support ACRSI.
You can follow the USDA data standards work on GitHub.