Setting the Standard for Exchanging IntelligenceĀ
The IntelligenceĀ subcommittee is the standard of choice for exchanging intelligence among any federal, state, and local agencies on a foreign or domestic basis.
Subcommittee members identify the operational needs to exchange intelligence, as well as the opportunities to share information with other domains and functions in justice and homeland security. Subcommittee members represent the full range of operations that deal with the gathering, analysis, fusion, and dissemination of intelligence, as well as the ability to act upon it.
Governance of this domain's content is managed by the NIEMOpen NBAC Technical Steering Committee.Ā Content for this subcommittee was shared by criminal intelligence representatives of state and local law enforcement through the Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council, a working group of the Attorney GeneralāsĀ Global Advisory CommitteeĀ on Information Sharing, and the federal Intelligence Community as coordinated by the Director of National Intelligence.

Explore Intelligence model content
This word cloud shows the most commonly used Intelligence domain elements in the NIEMOpen data model.